Take Five Minutes to Put Pressure on your Local TDs to Take Cycling Seriously!
We are calling on the government and TDs more generally to:
• allocate at least 10% of the Transport Budget to cycling
• implement the National Cycle Policy Framework in full
• take action to reduce transport emissions so that Ireland fulfils its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement (of Dec 2015)
Without serious investment, the numbers of children cycling to school will remain way below what they should be and collisions involving cyclists will remain far too high. In a nutshell, we want cycling promotion and investment recognised as the amazing public health and urban decongestion interventions that they are!
We are calling on you to:
1 - Sign the petition: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/allocate-10-of-the-national-transport-bud…
2 - Contact your local TD to asking him/her to take cycling seriously.
Feel free to use the text above and add in your own points. Visit https://www.whoismytd.com/ to see who are your local TDs - it’s super easy. When emailing, provide your home address so they know you are in their constituency and monitoring how much attention (or not!) they give to cycling.
Thank you - and do let us know what responses you get from your TDs (you can mail us on info[at]dublincycling.ie).
Your Dublin Cycling Campaign and Cyclist.ie team!
Help us do more for cycling in Dublin by becoming a member!