Velo-city 2019, Here We Come!

The race is on! What week for the bicycle - first, Dublin City Council’s implementation of a 30 km/h speed limit on most roads within Dublin’s canals, followed by the fabulous Liffey Cycle and rounding off nicely with the signing of the contracts for Dublin hosting the gigantic Velo-city’ bicycle conference in 2019.

The weather gods again shined on Dublin this morning as a broad collective of bikes and their owners assembled on the plinth of Dublin’s Mansion House for the photo-shoot. On the plinth no less, the lowly bicycle had come a long way and basked in the glory of its new found exalted company.

Today it was all about the bicycle, even cute kids couldn’t upstage it as the photographer only had eyes for one thing. New found friends from the Liffey cycle were there in support including Mark and his son and the ever fashionable and supportive Georgie - there wasn’t a stitch of lyrca in sight!

As the photo-shoot neared its conclusion, two be-suited men mounted bicycles and engaged in a mock cycle only venturing as far as the end of the front square. I fear had they ventured further and had to grapple with the unforgiving streets they may have got more than a crease on their well pressed suits.

The assembled possy then moved inside for the formal signing and a porter asked us if we would like to place our bicycles in a secure area. We could definitely get used to this! We duly obliged and wandered in to watch pen meet paper: Velo-city 2019 was finally a reality - this day couldn’t get any better!

Having partaken of the reception, we said our goodbyes and went to retrieve our bicycles not having to worry about rooting in our saddle bags for ill-fitting lock keys. The porter was thanked with a smile and we set off on our way full of positive of thoughts of the city’s new found love affair with the bicycle.

It’s nice to dream sometimes. Long live the bicycle!

Domhnall Egan, Dublin Cycling Campaign

News Item

Thursday, 6 April 2017 (All day)

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